Friday, 31 August 2012

(ugh, I realised that there's something wrong with my fonts, so everything I write seems...small somehow. Well yes, the font is physically small (umimposing maybe), but it makes it feel like everything I write lacks conviction, which may be a personal character flaw I'm trying to get rid of. So that's definitely part of the problem. Expect a revamp, maybe. And a good think about how I use this blog in general.)

The Dark Knight Rises.

(taken from my Tumblr)

I watched The Dark Knight Rises last Friday, and started writing this post after I’ve came home to puzzle out my feelings about the movie; but, typically, I’ve procrastinated finishing it until today. 
I thought it was a good movie - the kind of movie that can be considered to be among the class of good movies released this year - but it could be better. It had so much promise. The first half puts into place such an interesting foundation, and the second half didn’t feel like it lived up to the expectations generated by the first. 
Ramblings of me trying to make sense of the movie comes after the cut. Will contain spoilers. Writing this has also been more difficult than usual because I could gauge the popular response towards The Dark Knight Rises, and this is not a popular response. Not offensive, either, just that I’ve never seen anyone saying this anywhere:

Hello again!

Sorry folks, but I seem to be updating blogspot very infrequently these days, for a couple of reasons. Maybe it's because I've found a supportive medium in Tumblr, with all its people and ideas and gifsets and general thoughtfulness. I've learnt to write better there over the past few months, and the layout of blogpost just doesn't feel as conductive, and definitely lacks the sense that I'm actually addressing my post to a fixed group of people, which helps me to find a voice to write in. I could bury the things I write amidst clever reblogs and the 'read more' function, so it's a way to free myself from the need to be 'perfect' (perfection is a lie), and I wouldn't have to worry about being clever and well-written all the time. I could just write an easy introduction, and write everything else under 'read more's in bullet points.

That said, here's my Tumblr, and you can find the things I write under the 'blog' tag you can find in the 'about me' section (although reading those in isolation from the other reblogs feels very jarring). I might post one or two of the longer things I write here, just to keep a record if you're still coming here!

*be warned, my Tumblr is a bastion of fandom, feminism, and LGBT rights, with the occasional thing about politics, literature, and movies thrown in (although I'd definitely think the last two is part of being in fandoms! What, you haven't heard of the TS Eliot fandom?)