Thursday 22 September 2011


I'm quite liking the new look of blogger! A clean, smooth, pretty interface is a good thing.
This girl quite a sucker for the clean, smooth, pretty interface that is currently in vogue.

Not quite liking the new look of facebook though. I threw a mini-fit when I saw it.
Why do you have to change how facebook works every few months, for God's sake? I'm not very good with adjusting to change.
And it's like every new incarnation of facebook is designed to reveal more and more of your facebook activites to people, which is a bad thing because facebook is a repository of everyone you know, regardless of whether you like a person a lot or are merely tolerating said person's presence. There's this new column at the left hand corner of your facebook homepage called 'see what your friends are up to right now' that is making me even more paranoid about facebook than I already am.

I have a strange attitude when it comes to sharing things online. On one hand, I like writing blogs and tweeting interesting observations, because I verily think I'm quite good and quite interesting, and people seem to like reading them too. On another, I'm terrified of people reading anything. Strangers are fine, but it's awkward  if it's friends and acquaintances. 'Oh, I know you're happy/unhappy even though I haven't had a conversation with you for months because I read your blog' or similar conversations inevitably make me panic for no good reason. Maybe because I separate and compartmentalise my life online and off. I tend to express myself more vocally when I'm online. I don't like rocking the boat in my daily interaction, because humans are so unpredictable. But that impediment is made invisible when I go online. This is quite silly, and might sound quite sad, but my online persona is a reflection of my private self, things I think about when I'm alone. So I'm like a puppy enthusiastic to share, but at the same time slightly trepidatious too - would you hate me if I express this opinion or use these words?

This online-offline divide we're forced to deal with really needs a new philosopher to reason things out. I'd try to be that amateur philosopher, but I am too lazy.

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