Monday 11 July 2011


There's another show I think you should watch (it seems like I have an awful lot of opinions when it comes to Shows I Think More People Should Watch). It's called Sherlock, and it's a 21st century reboot of the classical Sherlock Holmes stories (which are quite brilliant too).

It's watching an extraordinarily smart man being very quick and smart on the telly. It also has the advantage of being a very smart detective drama - none of those Hong Kong drama rubbish, even I know who the killer is the first episode. And none of those Midsummer Murders stuff laden with cliches that manages to both bore and irritate me (or maybe it's bore, thus irritate me). This show has lovely, well-crafted crimes.
Sherlock Holmes' thinking process fascinates me.
It's also very aesthetically pleasing - they either have a very good budget or a very good designer (what do you call those people? Definitely not designers, but it'll have to do).
So it's a show with good cases, Sherlock Holmes fascinates me, and it's quite pleasing on the eye. Good reasons to love a show.

Update: a myriad of sources to watch Sherlock.
Alternatively, if you have AXN Beyond, watch out for it, because a while back, little snippets of cute animations that appear on the left hand side of your tv screen while you're watching normal AXN, taunted me with the fact that Sherlock is airing on their special channel.


  1. I love the Sherlock series! Benedict Cumberbatch is absolutely fascinating and intriguing as a brilliant, slightly Aspergerish detective. I honestly hope more will follow =)

  2. omg you watch it too?!?!
    I love it, absolutely. It's actually inspiring.
    I hounded the wikipedia page. Series two airing sometime September! :DD
