Wednesday 29 June 2011

Today I:

Did laundry!
Messed with the Bill Bryson book a bit.
Spent hours playing with the Tony Buzan memory thing.
Went to the night market (although it's a lie when they call it a night market - we went at 8 and most of the shops are packing up?)
Stumbled upon the US' Foreign Service Department's language manuals uploaded onto the internet, and started learning Arabic.
Watched a lot of Qi in between. And being a Chinese drill sargent for my brother by asking him what Chinese characters mean randomly throughout the day.

(why Arabic? Because a light of enthusiasm sparked in me when I saw an Learn Arabic book a while back. Because it's more unorthodoxed than fucking French, which I refuse to learn because all those mushy shallow types gush on about how romantic it is. Because I'm intrigued by the Middle East. It's also practical, but I'm also motivated by people's potential reaction when I tell them I'm picking up Arabic.

Next up - German and Japanese. I know, Japanese is as typical, but about half of the characters are Chinese characters, which I know anyway, so I assume I'll be able to cut steps.)

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