Friday 21 October 2011

About whether or not to be sorry, and my 'writing skills'

I'd say sorry about last night's omission, but that would mean I'm assuming you even care, or even noticed, which let's face it, you don't. So now, I just don't know what I should say. Say sorry to myself for breaking my own rule? But I'm not feeling very sorry for breaking it.
See what happens when you overanalyse things? Sorry, anyway, if you noticed and was upset. Here's a bit of virtual chocolate.

But if you do like to know: I was studying, and I was tired. Didn't feel too zippy to fire out some sentences for your amusement because I am sure they would amuse no one, not when I'm feeling too drowsy to be zippy. And besides, there wasn't much to write about.

Now, my writing skills is simply appalling. You know it's quite bad when even the writer herself can't stand it, what's with all of us probably having personal egos that convince us we are better at various things than we really are. Even my personal ego didn't feel like it was up to the task of convincing myself that I can write well, and just threw in the towel. Or maybe my personal ego is just the lazy sort, like the rest of me.
How do you suggest I go about improve it? The writing I mean, not the personal ego or the laziness.
(I read a lot of newspaper articles, by the way - not out of fastidious ambition or anything, it's just a very relaxing way to procrastinate - so the typical advice to 'read more' would probably not apply here. I'm most probably reading a newspaper article, or looking for one to read, when I'm not channelling my energies into productive activity. And besides, the Guardian's site is just good.)

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