Well, except me. In the sense that I'm usually the prime choice of food for mosquitoes. I'm caviar to the mosquito world. But those of insects I've made it a point to deliver to them a quick clap of death. That's right, fear my naked palms of speed and terrifying accuracy.
Well, it's not really your fault. You don't deserve death. Just that we're both made in such a way that it's impossible to coexist in a small space without you biting me or me wanting to kill you. Sorry. I'm looking mournfully on the floor, at one of the dead ones I killed, with sadness. Cruel, cruel world. God, you need to find a solution that doesn't involve killing insects, if you exist. I humbly suggest subsisting just by breathing alone? Saves us a lot of time too - no more wondering what to eat for lunch, or spending time eating lunch, and other various meals.
I'm sure we can find something else to do for pleasure.
[look at this - isn't this a thing of sheer beauty? The music video, the craft of the song, the vocals, all top quality stuff coming together perfectly. How can you not be inspired by something this well-made?]
Of course, you can take a bus/walk, but for the bus option you have to walk at least a km.
Walking that distance with a lot of books isn't pleasant at all, and guaranteed to reduce you to a sweaty, disgruntled mess with muscle aches the next day. I don't want to risk ending up loathing otherwise stupendous booksales.
Remember the friend I haven't met in a while because of 'stupendously bad luck', and whom I'm supposed to meet on Thursday?
Bad luck and stupid timing had to stick its oars in again: something came up and I had to valiantly cancel this to babysit my brothers on Thursday.
But we're postponing this and crossing our fingers. I think we should either cook something sweet or something that has cheese in it (because those sort of food are awesome food), and I'm referring to Nigella Lawson's website to find something sweet/cheesy to cook, because Nigella is a GODDESS. Watching her cooking shows gives me the feeling akin to having a mother figure comforting you in times of distress.
It's lovely to watch even in times of non-distress, of course.
Will update you when I have anything to update you about.
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